The Ebook 7 days Prayer Guide: A practical guide to effective praying.

You can be sure that your prayer for healing, your prayer for success, your morning prayer, your prayer for a friend, Your prayer for a wife, your prayer for a husband, Your prayer for a job, even prayer for new Month and Prayer for new Year can be heard and answered by God. So many people become awe struck whenever the subject of prayer is being discussed, they look down on themselves and secretly wish they can have their prayers answered just like the other few folks they know who have managed to get that somewhat “elusive favor” of God on their side, and who were getting their prayers answered. But that is not what prayer is supposed to be. Every single believer is entitled to have his or her every prayer answered!
“Ask and it shall be given to you… For EVERY ONE who asks receives…” – Matthew 7:7
Finally, a book that lets you explore the depths of ‘Prayer’ in its simplicity. You can have your prayers answered and enjoy fullness of joy!