Our Message

Hope, restoration, reconciliation and successfully discovering and fulfilling the plans and purposes of God for your life forms the bedrock of our message. We say it at every given opportunity, and on every platform available that Jesus came to save, heal and reconcile the lost, the broken, the oppressed, and the sick. We believe in the HOPE offered by God through Jesus and we present this hope through the message of the gospel or the good news. That no matter how far gone you are, God is willing to give you a new life and restoration. “…If your sins are blood-red, they’ll be snow-white. If they’re red like crimson, they’ll be like wool.” (Isaiah 1:18)

We preach forgiveness, salvation, peace for the troubled, and minister healing to the sick.

Our message emphasizes that Christ came to restore eternal life, peace, health, abundance, dignity and self-worth back to man.

We joyfully reach out through MISSIONS to people in our community, to connect them in FELLOWSHIP with other Christians, to help them grow in their faith through DISCIPLESHIP, and to inspire them as they are growing to discover their MINISTRY, equip them to fulfil it, and honor God with their life through WORSHIP.